Top 10 Sites Like Humble Bundle

Top 10 Sites Like Humble Bundle

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Are you into gaming?

Do you buy bundles of games, e-books or software?

Humble Bundle may be the website that you may know very well of if you are into buying a lot of digital stuff on a regular basis.

Well, today here we are here to discuss the top 10 sites like Humble Bundle that offer similar services of providing games for very cheap prices.

Similar to the platform of Humble Bundle, these platforms on the list also serve across a lot of environments like Windows, Linux, and many more while some of the platforms are targeted for solo operating systems. Well let us start with the list of top 10 sites like Humble Bundle:

Best Humble Bundle Alternatives To Try In 2020

1. OnePlay

Similar to the website of humble bundle, OnePlay is a gaming website that is known for its extensive service of delivering premium quality games to its users at very cheap rates.

It is currently known to be one of the leading platforms of distributing digital gaming. The website of OnePlay is known to provide access to its users to enjoy from over a wide list of 2000 plus premium games developed for both Android and Windows devices.

With all the games being of premium quality they are all ad-free and require no extra in-game purchase. A huge developing team is constantly at work to update the website with all new release games to its users.

2. Desura

Desura is known to be a platform used for distributing digital items for the environments of Microsoft Windows, Linux, OS X platforms. Games and related digital items distribution tend to be the main motto of this website.

The main focus is on small-scale game developers that are independent and not large firms. Desura comes with automated updates for games, features active community and access to the developer resources.

The users of this platform are known to be allowed to develop and distribute their own modes of the game here. This attracts a lot of game developers that are freelancing to sell their product here.

3. Indie Gala

The next website that we are going to discuss is Indie Gala. It is a good alternative to Humble Bundle. This site is known to sell bundles of games at very cheap rates.

They put up offers on bundles of 10 games at such cheap rates that you will not be able to believe. The website also sells single games but the rate is a bit higher in comparison to the ones that come in bundles.

Every day some or the other kinds of offers are always put up on this website on bundles at extensive discount rates that will be very hard for you to resist. At times, Indie Gala hosts items that are totally free giveaway items.

4. Steam

This is an ultimate platform for entertainment that gives you permission to create games, connect to the one’s features on the platform, play games and much more.

Founded by the Valve Corporation, it is now known to be one of the best platforms for digital items distribution. In addition, it also offers management of digital rights, services for social networking, live video streaming as well as multiplayer gaming.

The users get game installations with automated update features for the games and in addition are also provided with the best community features including facilities of cloud saving, creating friend lists, in-game voice, and much more.

5. GamersGate

GamersGate is an online basement for distributing digital video games that are also known to offer digital guides or strategies as well as games for Windows, OS X, and Linux as well.

It is based on Sweden but allows to direct download of all its content from any part of the world. With the passage of time, the GamersGate website is turning out to be one of the biggest rivals for the most famous platforms of digital distribution like Steam, Direct2drive and other similar ones.

6. Green Man Gaming

This is another platform for online gaming that has its headquarters working in the United Kingdom.

The platform of Green Man Gaming is known to have a list of nearly 5500 games on their catalog pooled from over 450 publishers of digital items that are currently the best in the market. The catalog contains items from Ubisoft, Square Enix, and Capcom among many others.

This platform offers its services in over 185 countries across the globe. It also has a platform that can track video gaming on social networks and hence permit the users to keep a track of their gameplay on an automatic basis.

7. Windows Store

The Windows Store, more commonly known as the Microsoft Store, is a leading platform that is known to distribute digital items for multiple versions of Microsoft Windows.

There is an application that is preinstalled from the Windows version 8.

With the aim of providing delivery of furthermore items, this platform has now merged with the other distribution platforms like Xbox Video, Windows Marketplace, Xbox music, Windows Phone Store, etc.


The is known to be a platform that permits its users to download, host and sell indie video games. It was founded in the year 2013 by Leaf Corcoran.

On the present date, the platform is known to host a list that goes beyond the count of 10 million for games and related items. The is one of the simplest ways that you can come across to search and distribute online indie games at no extra cost.

In similarity to some of the other names on this list, this platform also keeps its prime focus on the independent creators of digital media and offers them out to the open market.

9. Uplay

Uplay is an online platform that is known to host distributing digital items, supporting multiplayer gaming, services of management of digital rights (DRM), as well as a communication service.

It was founded by the Massive Entertainment with the main motto of delivering a similar kind of experience to the other companies’ achievement offers in games.

It is one of the best platforms that can outrun Steam and has the features that are similar as well. They provide their services across a wide range of platforms that includes PC, Xbox, Nintendo and PlayStation as well. It first came to public use in 2009 with the launch of Assassin’s Creed gaming series.

10. Origin

The last name on today’s list is Origin, a platform designed by Electronic Arts aimed for digital distribution, services for DRM (Digital Rights Management), and online gaming.

This platform permits the users that are registered on their website to buy games online for their computers and mobile devices as well, and in addition, can download them with the help of the Origin Client.

In similarity to the other names on the list, this platform also provides social features like management of profiles, network creation with friends, direct game login as well as in-game communication.

Final Thoughts On Alternative to Humble Bundle

Having described all of the above sites that are similar to the website of Humble Bundle, we all are aware of how necessary it is to give away on charity for noble causes.

But we are unable to do so actively in our daily life. Well, these websites provide us a chance to do so. However little may we pay, and even get amazing stuff at very cheap rates, these websites help the new developers to get support while help us enjoy gaming.