Mobile Apps That Will Help You With Studies

Mobile Apps That Will Help You With Studies

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Modern technologies offer us all kinds of help these days. It’s even hard to imagine (or recall) what the world would be like without them. Indeed, every student will find themselves completely helpless without their smartphones, laptops, and Internet access. Fortunately, they do not need to do so. The Internet will not go anywhere, and neither are the websites and applications that help us study. These days, there are hundreds of apps designed with the sole purpose of increasing students’ productivity and efficiency. Now, the problem is how to choose the best one for your needs. Here are six top mobile apps that will help you with your studies.


Studying is not only about reading books, writing assignments, and seeking essay help online. In a lot of ways, school is about time management, discipline, and scheduling. Thus, most students often struggle with their homework due to a lack of those skills. Fortunately, modern technologies can give you a hand here. ToDoist is more than a to-do list app. You can create various projects there and adjust your plans accordingly. You can add reminders, set timers, and put all your to-dos in a calendar. Overall, it’s a great helper during the busiest time of your life.


Most students stop bringing a pen or pencil to their college classes. Instead, young people take their notes on laptops. It means that they need an app to write and store those notes. Well, Evernote as a laptop and mobile app can fit this job perfectly. It works offline as well as online. Moreover, the application has several methods of categorization to help you organize your notes. The app even has many templates to help you schedule and more. In addition, it allows you to invite people to your docs and have co-authors on projects. Thus, you can perform any teamwork on a single platform.


Sometimes, we don’t need any help. We just need to stay focused on what we are doing. However, these days, it seems to be harder than ever. We just don’t get a minute of peace with all the social media, texting, and notifications. Well, numerous apps can fight that problem. Offtime is one of them. This app blocks all notifications, websites, and applications on your phone that you order it to block. You get to set a timer and put down your phone. It won’t bother you until the time is up. Don’t worry. The app will hold its ground and won’t give in until it’s time.

Google Drive

As a student, you drown in tons of paperwork, old essays, textbooks, lecture notes, and much much more other materials that you need to store somewhere. Of course, it is not possible to keep everything on your devices. Your in-built storage will be nearly non-existent by the time you finish your freshman year. Of course, you can buy a hard drive. But why would you spend money on that when there is a perfect free option available?
Google Drive is one of the main students’ helpers online. This is not just a perfect place to store all your documents but also to create new ones. You can work in Google Docs online and offline without worry. Google will save any changes in the docs on the go. Hence, you should never worry about losing any valuable papers. Moreover, you can invite people to share a single document when you have an assigned project together. You can even ask people to review and edit your work without giving them full ownership of the file. You may easily limit their access (working options) to your files. Isn’t that convenient?


it seems like today’s world is moving way too fast. It can put too much pressure on young minds. These days, many young people suffer from anxiety, insomnia, stress, and depression. School can be a big part of this issue as it puts too much expectation on each student. That is why sometimes, it is not about your intelligence or preparedness but your ability to relax and focus. Meditation apps can help you achieve that.

Calm strives to help people sleep better and stay more relaxed and focused during the day. It helps to reduce the stress and bring a daily routine back to normal. A peaceful mind will help you achieve much greater things in life.

TED Talks

We all need a bit of inspiration at times. It’s easy to see why students may struggle with getting their inspiration and motivation. School and homework can take most of their spare time. Yet, it’s important to keep that spark alive. TED talks can be a great app to maintain your interest in things while also learning about the progress in numerous disciplines in academia. Overall, if you prefer watching several videos a day anyway, why not watch TED speeches? Those videos will help you grow as a professional and inspire you to learn more.